🪙General Information


Chain:Binance smart chain(BEP-20)

Maximum Supply:36,536,000

Initial supply:5,000,000


Contract Address:0x0c29fc787e4995F8F1F14ff4C561FB9294f58c4A


This token is the pre-approved token of the COSO platform, which enables the tokenization of various functions of the platform. The mining cycle is one year, and if the COSO platform token is issued within one year, COT will be swapped. The early participating users get relevant benefits and ensure that users can experience all the functions of the platform from the beginning.

Token Distribution

COSO NFT Staking:30%

(Smart Contract:0x5aB76ac7f6cbFBE6D6FDbd56c8Ca868b700C3e2F)

LP Farm:30%

(Smart Contract:0xF5E42cA46d3C86b54DF1AbCa838Fa2268B1f3740)

Recommendation Plan:2%

(Smart Contract:0x1bebeb524e170ef75f30b1fcadbc2c5edba5a59c)

Trade to Mine:5%

(Smart Contract:0x9ed154fc97e486a1dbac65ebe631a9f71099edfe)


(Smart Contract:0x564d1e34e1d3dccb8856d0fefe15bded56b71df6)

Emergency Plan Reserve:25%

(Smart Contract:0xf233acd945ec20147f1c7f14623f49da666f794e)

Last updated