๐Ÿ”จHow to get COT

Vote for COSO-D-By staking COSO NFT and Vote to get COT

Token distribution

COSO NFT Staking๏ผš30%

LP Farm๏ผš30%

Recommendation Plan๏ผš2%

Trade to Mine๏ผš5%


Emergency Plan Reserve๏ผš25%


COT is the pre-requisite token to maintain the normal operation of COSOSWAP. Users can earn income in the following scenarios by holding COT.

Earn COT by staking COSO NFT votes

Earn COT by inviting friends to trade in COSOSWAP

Earn COT by inviting friends to participate in COSOSWAP's Launchpad

Earn COT by increase liquidity

Earn COT by staking LP in farm

Last updated